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Philosophy of Art Education


Children are the most important element in this world. They are our future and teachers are responsible for helping to create people that will be active and positive contributors to the community. Teaching is the most important job one could have. As teachers we expose the students to everything they will need to be successful after they leave school.


Art education is one of the most important elements of a child’s learning experience. It helps them learn creativity and problem solving skills that they will not learn in any other area of study. Art teaches students that there can be more than one answer to a problem and solutions are not always right or wrong. Students who learn creative thinking and problem solving are highly sought after in the work place.


Classroom management is vital for the purpose of keeping students under control so each student can focus on the assignments at hand. It is very important for the teacher to be consistent in all areas including monitoring behavior and applying consequences, incorporating individual differences, and grading and assessment of each project. Recognizing students for their cooperation and allowing students to add their input in discussions as well as with their own projects will help the students stay interested in the process of learning about art history, art criticism, aesthetics as well as techniques and processes involved in creating artwork. 


I have a wide range of expertise in the field of art. Knowledge of a wide range of media and cultures is part of being a successful art teacher. Students will benefit from exposure to all types of media, techniques and skills required for an understanding of creative problem solving and issues of diversity.


I can help my students achieve success and satisfaction in art through patience, flexibility, and my own enthusiasm and enjoyment of art. One of the most important things about teaching art is to recognize when something is not working and to make adjustments so every student can be successful. Another important element of teaching art is the teacher’s enthusiasm, which can inspire students to have a more open mind when approaching assignments.


It is vital to ensure that students with special needs are included. A teacher needs to know each student’s needs and limitations and find ways to adapt each lesson so all students are able to succeed. It is also important to have the students with normal abilities experience non-conventional ways of creating art so that all students will feel included in the process.


Incorporating art from every culture into each lesson helps address diversity issues in the school. Exploring different points of view and different cultures will encourage an attitude of acceptance among students. Examining diversity stresses the idea that there are many ways of looking at the world and there are many solutions to the same types of issues. Each person and student brings a different perspective to the projects assigned. Successful results will vary widely and it will be clearly visible that there are many answers to the same set of problems. 

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